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John Doe Community Centre Director 64781234
Address :
55 Newton Road #02-01 Revenue House Singapore 307987 CS-Mailbox: CUSTOMS GVT-Registry/CUSTOMS/SINGOV
63552000 Customs Call Centre (Customer Service Line)
[Telefax] 62508663 [Telefax (Conf)] 62509886
Enforcement of legislation under the Department's purview. Trade facilitation and revenue enforcement matters. Responsible for implementation of customs and trade enforcement measures including those related to free trade agreements and strategic goods. Liaison with other Government Departments and Statutory Boards. As the guardian of Singapore's trade, we uphold our laws to build trust to facilitate trade and protect revenue.
- Director-General of CustomsTAN Hung Hooi6355 2001tan_hung_hooi@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Director-General of CustomsMdm MOK Swee Kiang6355 2002mok_swee_kiang@customs.gov.sg
- Deputy Director-General of Customs (Policy & Facilitation)LIM Teck Leong, PPA(G), PPA (P)6355 2965lim_teck_leong@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Deputy Director-General (Policy & Facilitation)CHIA Sheng Zhi6355 2153CHIA_Sheng_Zhi@customs.gov.sg
- Senior Assistant Director-General of Customs (Checkpoints)Ms SUNG Pik Wan, PPA(G), PBS6355 2017sung_pik_wan@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Senior Assistant Director-General of Customs (Checkpoints)Mdm M Sharita6773 9079Sharita_M@customs.gov.sg
- Senior Assistant Director-General of Customs (Intelligence & Investigation)LEE Tiow Yong, PPA (P)6908 2066lee_tiow_yong@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Senior Assistant Director-General of Customs (Intelligence and Investigation)Ms MOK Lai Chun Angela6908 2086Angela_MOK@customs.gov.sg
- Senior Assistant Director-General of Customs (Ops-Tech & Management)TEH Thiam Siong6355 2309teh_thiam_siong@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Senior Assistant Director-General of Customs (Ops-Tech & Management)TAN Oon Teck6355 2034tan_oon_teck@customs.gov.sg
- Senior Assistant Director-General of Customs (Trade)LEE Boon Chong, PPA (G), PBS, PPA (P)6355 2145lee_boon_chong@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Senior Assistant Director-General of Customs (Trade)CHIA Sheng Zhi6355 2153CHIA_Sheng_Zhi@customs.gov.sg
- Assistant Director-General of Customs (Compliance)Winston TAY Wee Hua, PBS6908 1623winston_tay@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Assistant Director-General of Customs (Compliance)Ms MOK Lai Chun Angela6908 2086Angela_MOK@customs.gov.sg
- Assistant Director-General (Intelligence & Investigation)YEO Sew Meng, PK, PPA (G), PBS, PPA(P)6908 2067yeo_sew_meng@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Assistant Director-General of Customs (Intelligence and Investigation)Ms MOK Lai Chun Angela6908 2086angela_mok@customs.gov.sg
- Chief Human Resource OfficerMs LIM Shu Wen Karen, PBS6355 2123karen_lim@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Chief Human Resource OfficerMdm MOK Swee Kiang6355 2002mok_swee_kiang@customs.gov.sg
- Chief Information OfficerMs Cheryl SIM Hwee Leng6355 2069cheryl_sim@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Chief Information OfficerMs Noor Bitah6355 2078Bitah_ABDUL@customs.gov.sg
- Director, Data DivisionCHONG Soo Yuen6355 2350CHONG_Soo_Yuen@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Director, Data DivisionCHIA Sheng Zhi6355 2153CHIA_Sheng_Zhi@customs.gov.sg
- Director, Networked Trade Platform OfficeMs CHOO Wai Yee6355 2319choo_wai_yee@customs.gov.sg
- Personal Assistant to Director, Networked Trade Platform OfficeMs Umairah Adlin6355 2230Umairah_JEFFRY@customs.gov.sg
- Quality Service ManagerLEE Boon Chong, PPA (G), PBS, PPA (P)1800-2533866lee_boon_chong@customs.gov.sg